Three Doshas

Vata (That Which Moves Things)
Air and Ether.
Tend toward feeling dry and cold. Flexible when young then stiff.
Balance= Coordinated in Body and Mind. Creativity, enthusiasm, and flexibility.
Out of Balance = fear, worry, and insomnia.
Balancing Asana Yoga Practice -- Gradual and steady movement. Slow Flow Sun Salutations. Focus on Grounding and Balancing Poses. Holding poses. Ether and Air needs grounding.
Balancing Pranayama (Breath) Practice - Nadi Sodhana/ Alternate nostril Breath. Right nostril for morning. Left and night. Three Part and Belly. Mantras.
Balancing Foods are, in general, sweet, sour, and salty in taste.
Kapha (That Which Binds Things)
Earth and Water.
Tend toward heavy movement and low energy.
Balance = loving, compassionate, calm, content.
Out of Balance = lethargic, attachment, and envy.
Balancing Asana Yoga Practice -- Warming and flowing. Standing, heart opening, sustained back bending
Balancing Pranayama (Breath) Practice -- Kapalabhati (Skull Shining) Forceful exhale, passive inhale. Also, Three Part, Ujjay, Bellows.
Balancing Foods in general are pungent, bitter, and astringent in taste
Pitta (That which Digests Things)
Fire and Air.
Tend to push too hard.
Balance = intelligence, understanding, discrimination in ethics.
Out of Balance = anger and hatred.
Balancing Asana Practice - Let go of competitive nature, cooling asanas, nurturing, relaxing practice. Longer pauses between poses. Move slowly. Relax deeply. Avoid hot and fast practices.
Balancing Pranayama (Breathing) -- Sitali or Sitkari Pranayama, curled tongue inhale or over teeth. Three Part, Even Breath
Balancing Foods are in general, sweet, bitter, and astringent in taste.
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