Monday, January 18, 2021

Vision Board Workshop 1/23


$1 Vision Board Workshop! 

I’m so excited to announce that on Saturday at 10:30am I’m hosting a  Vision Board Workshop to help you get crystal clear on your dreams for 2021 and begin to bring them to life!

You see, setting goals and visualizing them daily is a crucial part of leveling up your life.

And what better way to do it than by creating a visual representation of that which you desire?

Why is this something you should absolutely do?

Aside from the fact that it’s going to be FUN, vision boards are an amazing way to begin invoking the Law of Attraction.  ... 

If you would like to be part of this click here 

When you give your dreams a visual representation, your emotions connect to those desires more powerfully. And emotions stimulate the process of the law attraction by keeping you more motivated to take the daily required actions to bring your desires and intentions into your reality.

So, are you in?  

If you would like to be part of this click here 

$1 to save your spot. Just a tad above free for commitment. 

See you there!


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