Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What Yoga Is / What Yoga Isn't

What Yoga Is / What Yoga Isn't

Yoga Pose, Yoga Book

Is Yoga Accessible?  Many people feel they cannot "do" Yoga.  People say, " I am not flexible enough to do Yoga." "I am not young enough to do Yoga."  "I am not strong enough to do Yoga."  "I can't balance." " I can't relax". "I do not have the right Yoga Clothes, the fancy, expensive Yoga Pants." "I've tried reading Yoga Books and watching Yoga Videos on YouTube or Online but I don't really know how to 'do' Yoga." "I am worried I will do Yoga wrong."  "When people talk about Yoga it sounds woo woo or granola crunchy; it's just not me."  

If you are one of those people who feel any number of these ways you may give up on doing yoga even though you are drawn to the benefit of yoga.  Even though there are obstacles, you are till curious about Yoga.  Perhaps you come and go in a Yoga Practice. 

Today we have more challenges and obstacles to obtaining the benefits of Yoga by practicing.  There are all the Instagram images of people doing challenging Yoga Poses, like the one above, which can make us feel like Yoga is beyond what our body can do.  Yoga is more than just Yoga Poses or Asanas.  

These types of problems have existed in Yoga, even before it came to Western culture, even before this modern world's version of what Yoga is. 

Almost 700 years ago the Hatha Yoga Pradipika mentioned some of the same problems, some of the same misconceptions about Yoga we have today.  

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika which we are exploring says: 

"Whether young or old, very old, sick or feeble, one can attain perfection in all Yogas by practicing.  Anyone who practices can acquire Yoga.

Yoga's powers (Siddhis) are not obtained by merely reading textbooks.

Nor are they reached by wearing yoga garments

or by conversation about yoga,

but only through tireless practice does one become a Siddha.

This is the secret of success.

There is no doubt about it."

Hatha Yoga Pradipika  1.65-66

This concludes the first Chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. There is one more verse which we will cover next time.  (Follow us on the right to make sure you always see the latest blog.)  

What does it mean to acquire Yoga? 

Yoga means union. Acquiring Yoga means to feel a sense of union with our most true self.  It means to acquire Siddhi/Perfection/ Accomplishment.  Some the initial Siddhis, Powers or Benefits of Yoga which can be acquired are:

  1. Vitality, 
  2. Good health, 
  3. Mental/emotional equilibrium

Hatha Yoga seeks to balance our energies so that we feel more focused and energized, calm and collected, secure and grounded in order to help us become our best selves, our true selves which is also connected to the Divine, the Cosmic Consciousness, the Creative Energy of the Universe. . .

So, we can feel more Vitality, Good Health, Mental/Emotional Equilibrium or Balance the we practice Yoga.

See our previous post on Siddhasana to learn more about Siddhis.

What does it mean to practice Yoga?

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika teaches us that practicing Yoga Poses is just part of it, and that Yoga Clothes and just reading Yoga Books or have conversations about  Yoga won't help us find these benefits of Yoga.  

Mentioned already in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and our posts:
  1. Yoga Poses: The practice, we learn, is preparing the body though physical practices which includes the poses. However, note Hatha Yoga only cites 4 poses as the most important. These are: Siddhasana(Perfect/Adept's Pose), Padmasana (Lotus Pose)Simhasana (Lion's Pose) and Bhadrasana(Gracious Pose).
  2. Eating Nourishing Food:  See our previous post about Yoga Food. Again, the main goal in a Yoga Diet/Yoga Way of Eating is to help balance our energies. 
Chapter 2-    We will cover these in future posts.  Follow by Email Link in the right column to get updates. 
  1. Purifications/Preparations:  6 Actions called ShatKarmas.
  2. Breath Practice:  the last verse in chapter one ,which we will cover next, mentions Breath Retention/Kumbhuka as part of this practice which helps one "acquire Yoga" or accomplish the benefits of Yoga. We will cover the Yoga Breath with you soon. 
Chapter 3 -- 
  1. Mudras: A Mudra is a "seal."  Often people know of hand Mudras and sometimes people even define Mudras as hand gestures or yoga for the hands but this incorrect.  Some Mudras incorporate the whole body. 
  2. Bandhas: Is sometimes called a lock.  It can also mean bond.
Chapter 4 --
  1. Concentration: Meditation 
  2. Samadhi: Absorption, Stages of Consciousness 


There is much to learn and much to practice.  Many of the benefits of Yoga: Vitally, Good Health, and Equilibrium or Balance can be attained by practicing simple Yoga Poses, Balanced Eating, and Breath Practices. This is a great beginning.  You may choose to add or be inspired to add more like, Mudras and Meditation.  

Leave a comment about some the benefits you have experience from practicing Yoga.  Or tell us about what your are practicing now.  Are you experiencing obstacles you'd like to share?

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  1. Halfway between a sports activity and a method of meditation , the practice of yoga captivates those who exercise it, all the regulars affirm that it has changed their lives. The best? The progression in the movements is marked by you and guided by a good teacher who measures the possibilities of each one, it is a discipline for all audiences, from 0 to 90 years old . Why not try something that can be done anywhere and whose holistic benefits are amply backed by science? Take a deep breath and read carefully everything that Yoga can do for you.
    Read more: The best yoga mat for beginners

  2. i have to tell all the people , i have also sy these thing , i cannot do this ,that is not suitable for me , bit when i was started this ,that proved very helpful for me. Now i have do Three Person Yoga Poses Three Person Yoga Poses with my family.

