Friday, December 27, 2019

Heart Chakra

Heart ChakraExplore the Unstuck Sound of the Heart.

Anahata is the Sanskrit name of the Chakra ( energy wheel) located in the chest. The Sanskrit word means “unstuck” It is associated with love.

Come for Session to Open the Heart beyond personal emotions to compassion for our self and others. Heart opening back bends and twists, as well as, heart centered breath practice will be balanced with protective forward bends.

The color is Green
Green is the color of life, peace and happiness. It is the color we picked for Life Full Yoga’s color.
The 12 petals (often these petals have Sanskrit words on them) represent the 12 Virtues of the heart: joy, peace, kindness, patience, love, harmony, clarity, compassion, purity, understanding, forgiveness, bliss. On the unbalanced side, the petals can represent the Vrittis or fluctuations of the mind, such as: fraud, lustfulness, indecision, hope, anxiety, repentance, possessiveness, incompetence, discrimination , impartiality, arrogance, and defiance.

This Chakra is the place where the lower three chakras and the upper three chakras meet.

The upside down triangle and the right side up triangle can represents male and female energy; the connection between the upper and lower chakras, energy moving up and down.

This Chakra’s element is air. Air helps carry and disperse. It is within and outside of us. In the next week we will cover poses designed to help us open our hearts balanced with poses to help the heart feel safe.
The Mantra is Yam/Yum

The Hand Mudra:
1. Join hands in front of the Heart,
Connect Little Fingers and Thumbs, 
Open other fingers like a lotus flower.
2. Right Hand Index Finder and Thumb can come together at the heart

Padma(Lotus) Mudra

Some of our Heart Chakra Poses Posts


Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura Chakra
Tap in to your Personal Power
Yoga & Pilates can stroke your Inner Fire with core awakening poses.

Inner Fire too hot?  We can also balance tendencies to work too hard or react too fast.

"Manipura" means Gem Town
The Mantra is Ram/Rum

Yellow is the color of knowledge and wisdom.

The 10 petals (often these petals have Sanskrit words on them) represent the 10 Pranas or Life Forces. 5 of them are types of breath like breath that uplifts (Prana Vayu) and breath that grounds us ( Apana Vayu).
This Chakra is the place where these two energies meet.

The upside down triangle represents energy flow and wisdom.

The element is fire, connected to our inner fire as well as our digestive fire.
See  below for more...

Personal Power Mudra
Matangi Mudra

Join hands in front of the Solar Plexus (upper stomach area), 
Raise both middle fingers and support them into each other. 
Interweave the other fingers and thumbs.
Personal Power Poses

Some of our Personal Power Chakra Posts


Sacral Chakra


The Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana

Weekly Theme and Yoga Sequence is Create and Flow
Come to class and focus on Fluidity, Circulation, and Creativity.
or Book your Private Session  to work on your Sacral Chakra 
The color is Orange
The Mantra is Vam/Vum
The Hand Mudra is right hand on top of left, thumbs touching making a circle held at the pelvis.

The Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana is the Chakra ( energy wheel) located in the hip area below the navel. The Sanskrit word means where the Self is created. It is associated with creativity and sexuality.

Orange is the color of fire or Agni; this is where we digest life. It is also associated with purifying burning away what we don’t need.

The six petals (often these petals have Sanskrit words on them) represent the six aspects of our psyche or mental fluctuations to purify: anger, hatred, jealousy, cruelty, indulgence, and pride.

The crescent moon shape at the bottom represents the element water, cycles, flow, and change.

This Chakra has both fire and water symbolism which indicates an energy of balance. This past week we covered poses designed to help us feel connected and balanced in this creative area of our lives in posts and classes.
See the Infographic Below...
Dhyana (Meditation) Mudra
Book Classes Here

Some of our Sacral Chakra Poses Posts.  Since this area is all about Flow and Creativity there is more to see by watching the video posts on Facebook, Instagram or see link to our Youtube Channel below. 

If you check our posts you will see we already started posting some Solar Plexus Chakra Poses

Youtube Channel

Root Chakra

Muladhara is the Root Chakra 

Located at the base of your spine. 
Our Weekly Theme and Yoga Sequence 
Feeling Grounded and Rooted

The color is Red
Red is the color of power, strength and energy: Shakti. 

The Mantra is Lam/Lum

Essential Oil: Grounding earthy scents such as cinnamon and clove.  We've been featuring OnGaurd by DoTerra at the studio. 

This Chakra also has a Bandha or Lock : the Root Lock or MulaBandha. The Root Lock is a drawing up of the Pelvic Floor.  We work on this drawing energy upwards and strengthening our deep strength especially in Core Yoga and Pilates. 

The four petals represent the four aspects of our pysche: mind, intellect, consciousness, and ego. 
The square represents a strong stable foundation. 

The upside down triangle is a symbol for earth. The color and symbols are meant to help us feel grounded, strong and stable. 

The Hand Mudra is Index Finger and Thumb connecting our Individual Self with a Higher Self

 See More Below...
Gyan Mudra. The thumb and forefinger come together. The rest are straight. It symbolizes connecting our Self with a Higher or Universal Self. It also is meant to also improve concentration as well as helping us feel grounded. 

Book Classes Here

Some of our Root Chakra Poses Posts

