Friday, December 27, 2019

Sacral Chakra


The Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana

Weekly Theme and Yoga Sequence is Create and Flow
Come to class and focus on Fluidity, Circulation, and Creativity.
or Book your Private Session  to work on your Sacral Chakra 
The color is Orange
The Mantra is Vam/Vum
The Hand Mudra is right hand on top of left, thumbs touching making a circle held at the pelvis.

The Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana is the Chakra ( energy wheel) located in the hip area below the navel. The Sanskrit word means where the Self is created. It is associated with creativity and sexuality.

Orange is the color of fire or Agni; this is where we digest life. It is also associated with purifying burning away what we don’t need.

The six petals (often these petals have Sanskrit words on them) represent the six aspects of our psyche or mental fluctuations to purify: anger, hatred, jealousy, cruelty, indulgence, and pride.

The crescent moon shape at the bottom represents the element water, cycles, flow, and change.

This Chakra has both fire and water symbolism which indicates an energy of balance. This past week we covered poses designed to help us feel connected and balanced in this creative area of our lives in posts and classes.
See the Infographic Below...
Dhyana (Meditation) Mudra
Book Classes Here

Some of our Sacral Chakra Poses Posts.  Since this area is all about Flow and Creativity there is more to see by watching the video posts on Facebook, Instagram or see link to our Youtube Channel below. 

If you check our posts you will see we already started posting some Solar Plexus Chakra Poses

Youtube Channel

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