Friday, December 27, 2019

Heart Chakra

Heart ChakraExplore the Unstuck Sound of the Heart.

Anahata is the Sanskrit name of the Chakra ( energy wheel) located in the chest. The Sanskrit word means “unstuck” It is associated with love.

Come for Session to Open the Heart beyond personal emotions to compassion for our self and others. Heart opening back bends and twists, as well as, heart centered breath practice will be balanced with protective forward bends.

The color is Green
Green is the color of life, peace and happiness. It is the color we picked for Life Full Yoga’s color.
The 12 petals (often these petals have Sanskrit words on them) represent the 12 Virtues of the heart: joy, peace, kindness, patience, love, harmony, clarity, compassion, purity, understanding, forgiveness, bliss. On the unbalanced side, the petals can represent the Vrittis or fluctuations of the mind, such as: fraud, lustfulness, indecision, hope, anxiety, repentance, possessiveness, incompetence, discrimination , impartiality, arrogance, and defiance.

This Chakra is the place where the lower three chakras and the upper three chakras meet.

The upside down triangle and the right side up triangle can represents male and female energy; the connection between the upper and lower chakras, energy moving up and down.

This Chakra’s element is air. Air helps carry and disperse. It is within and outside of us. In the next week we will cover poses designed to help us open our hearts balanced with poses to help the heart feel safe.
The Mantra is Yam/Yum

The Hand Mudra:
1. Join hands in front of the Heart,
Connect Little Fingers and Thumbs, 
Open other fingers like a lotus flower.
2. Right Hand Index Finder and Thumb can come together at the heart

Padma(Lotus) Mudra

Some of our Heart Chakra Poses Posts


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