Friday, December 27, 2019

Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura Chakra
Tap in to your Personal Power
Yoga & Pilates can stroke your Inner Fire with core awakening poses.

Inner Fire too hot?  We can also balance tendencies to work too hard or react too fast.

"Manipura" means Gem Town
The Mantra is Ram/Rum

Yellow is the color of knowledge and wisdom.

The 10 petals (often these petals have Sanskrit words on them) represent the 10 Pranas or Life Forces. 5 of them are types of breath like breath that uplifts (Prana Vayu) and breath that grounds us ( Apana Vayu).
This Chakra is the place where these two energies meet.

The upside down triangle represents energy flow and wisdom.

The element is fire, connected to our inner fire as well as our digestive fire.
See  below for more...

Personal Power Mudra
Matangi Mudra

Join hands in front of the Solar Plexus (upper stomach area), 
Raise both middle fingers and support them into each other. 
Interweave the other fingers and thumbs.
Personal Power Poses

Some of our Personal Power Chakra Posts


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