Friday, December 8, 2017

Centering: Weekly Theme

Weekly Theme: Centering: Feeling Grounded

40 Days to Personal Revolution 

Week 5 Starts Saturday.

Our focus this upcoming week is Centering.
 This week find time to center yourself in all 4 parts of your challenge practices: Asana Practice, Meditation, Eating, and Life in general.  


At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want."- Lao Tzu
 "Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work-in. And this is the point of spiritual practice; to make us teachable; to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are." - Rolf Gates

"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate." -Zhuangzi

1. Asana (Pose) Practice --This week's intention is to flow with grace.  What 60 minute practice will you commit to doing this week?  

 There are specific poses in the book (40 Days to Personal Revolution by Baptiste)  This week poses are Sun Salutations, Flipped Dog, Side Plank, Crescent Lunge with Twist, Side Angle, Chair, Prayer Twist, Forward Fold Hand to Foot Pose, Eagle, Standing Hand to Foot, Warrior III (Air Plane), Half Moon, Tree, Triangle, Revolved Triangle, Wide Angle Forward Fold, Pyramid, Locust, Bow, Camel, Bridge, Wheel, Happy Baby, Abdominals, Supine Bound Angle, Boat, Upward Facing Boat, Wide Legged Boat, Rock the Baby (Seated Pigeon), Three Legged Table, Seated Twist, Double Pigeon, West and East Side Stretch, Shoulder Stand, Headstand, Fish, Supine Twist, Savasana.  What will your poses be?  This week pick your classes at the studio and register to commit and then schedule in your calendar your home practice days and times.  Grab your Log on our Blog. 

2. Meditation Practice--  Focus on your Hands as a centering point.  25 minutes.  See some hand mudras in our blog.

3. Diet --   This weeks is a ground through our diet as well.  Did you try the cleanse or some version of cleansing last week?  This is meant to restore you and ground you through a focus on minerals. Some foods recommended in the book are seaweed, leafy greens, nuts, fish, root vegetables, tofu, broths, and vegetable or fruit juices.  

4. Questions  -- Write the answers down, get them out of your head. 

Some from the book:  
Do I trust my intution? 
When, where, and with whom do I feel most grounded?
How mindful am I of even the smallest details of my days?  Do I remember what I said to the salesperson at the store, what route I took to get to work, how and where I hung my coat, what I told my kids when they asked me a questions? Am I truly there in all these moments?

Perfect time of year for these questions,  

Namaste (With Respect),

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