1. Asana (Pose) Practice --This week's intention is to "remember triumph happens in small things" Baron Baptiste. What 90 minute practice will you commit to doing this week?
There are specific poses in the book (40 Days to Personal Revolution by Baptiste) This week poses are Sun Salutations, Warrior II, Flipped Dog,Side Plank, Crescent Lunge with Twist, Side Angle, Chair, Prayer Twist, Forward Fold Hand to Foot Pose, Eagle, Standing Hand to Foot (front and side), Warrior III (Air Plane), Half Moon, Hip Lunge, Dancer, Tree, Triangle, Revolved Triangle, Wide Angle Forward Fold, Pyramid, Locust, Bow, Camel, Bridge, Wheel, Happy Baby, Abdominals, Supine Bound Angle, Boat, Rock the Baby (Seated Pigeon), Three Legged Table, Seated Twist, Double Pigeon, West and East Side Stretch, Shoulder Stand or Headstand,Plow, Ear Squeeze, Fish, Supine Twist, Savasana. What will your poses be? This week pick your classes at the studio and register to commit and then schedule in your calendar your home practice days and times. Grab your Log and past emails on our Blog.
2. Meditation Practice-- Focus on noticing your thoughts, how they come up and then go. 30 minutes morning and night.
3. Diet -- This week's focus is to celebrate your efforts. Look back and see what worked well for you. (I did a semi-okay 3 day fruit cleanse -- five meals out 9 and gave up coffee because of it. I realized coffee is not a fruit.) Are there any practices you want to continue? Remember them? Noticing your patterns, focusing on fresh food, noticing your cravings (waiting them out), 3 day fruit-fast, adding in essential minerals and grounding/earthy food. Share a healthy meal with a friend. I love the talk about recipes around the studio. We should make a cookbook. I shared a couple to our Instagram and Facebook pages.
4. Questions -- Write the answers down, get them out of your head.
Some from the book:
Write down and spend two minutes on these four lines
"I want to manifest ....
"I want to manifest ....
"I want to manifest ....
"I want to manifest ....
What would you do in life if you could not fail?
What are the limiting beliefs preventing you from doing (it)?
What is your overall life vision?
Perfect time of year for these questions again,
Namaste (With Respect),
P.S. I'd be honored to hear about them. Plus it can be good to share.
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