Friday, December 1, 2017

Vitality: Week 2

Weekly Theme:  Vitality -- "Fan the Purifying Flame" See Tips below

40 Days to Personal Revolution 

Week 2 Starts Saturday 

(Special Vitality Related Classes:

--Gratitude Theme All Level Class Thursday 9:30  

--Digestive Classes Friday, Intermediate 8:15, All Levels 9:30)  Use your pass or make a donation

Missed the Intro to 40 Days Workshop and the Yoga Type (Dosha) workshop?  Go to our Blog to get the notes.  Link Below. 

Our focus this upcoming week is Vitality.  You can stoke your vitality and vibrance in your 4 parts below: Asana Practice, Meditation, Eating, and Life in general.  

“Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over. 
F. Scott Fitzgerald

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action,
 and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. 
And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. 
The world will not have it. 
It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable it is, nor how it compares with other expressions. 
It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. 
You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. 
You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate YOU. 

Keep the channel open.”  Martha Graham

1. Asana (Pose) Practice --This week's intention is to move from 20 minutes to 30 Minutes physical practice. What 30 minute practice will you commit to doing this week?  It is recommended to practice in the morning.  A time and a place to practice is a great help.  There are specific poses in the book (40 Days to Personal Revolution by Baptiste)  This week poses are Sun Salutations, Warriors, Triangle, Side Plank, Crescent Lunge, Prayer Twist, Camel, Bridge, Wheel, Boat Variations, Seated Wide Angle, Happy Baby, Supine Twist, Savasana.  What will your poses be?  This week pick your classes at the studio and register to commit and then schedule in your calendar your home practice days and times.  Grab your Log on our Blog. 

2. Meditation Practice-- Awareness Style Meditation. 10 minutes each morning and night.   This week's awareness is to notice your top ten tapes that run through your mind (without judging) just notice them. Notice and release self- damaging thought patterns.  Notice how it feels to let them go.  (Tip: it can be helpful to pick a soft, quiet,10 minute playlist or if you set a timer make sure it is a gentle sound.)  Often, these tapes play during your asana practice, notice those too.  Put meditation times and results  on your log too.

3. Diet --   Fresh Food.  Whole fruits, vegis, lean meats, fish and whole grains. Simple preparation.  This is a good focus for Thanksgiving.  Perhaps your week will be a bookend around Thanksgiving.  Fresh food Mon, Tue, Wed and then Fri, Sat, Sunday.  Maybe you will be inspired to find ways to bring more Fresh, Vital, Vibrant food to your Thanksgiving Meal.  Touch and prepare your food, take your time, connect with it.  It occurs to me that we can also notice negative thought patterns and tapes that come around food (eating and making and cleaning) too.  The Yoga Winter Article on the Blog has a link to the grocery list I use for seasonal dosha eating. 

4. Questions  -- Write the answers down, get them out of your head. 

Some from the book:  
When do I feel the most energized?
When do I feel most alive?  
What are the forces in life that drain my energy?

Namaste (With Respect),

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