Saturday, December 2, 2017

Restoration: Week 4

Weekly Theme: Restoration "The Time to Relax is When You Don't Have the Time for It." (Baron Baptiste)See Tips below

40 Days to Personal Revolution 

Week 4 Starts Saturday 

Our focus this upcoming week is Restoration.
 This week find time to restore yourself in all 4 parts of your challenge practices: Asana Practice, Meditation, Eating, and Life in general.  

“Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back your judgement will be surer. . .”Leonardo da Vinci
“Learn to relax. Your body is precious, as it houses your mind and spirit. Inner peace begins with a relaxed body.
Norman Vincent Peale

 “Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.
William S. Burroughs

1. Asana (Pose) Practice --This week's intention is to move from 45 minutes to 60 Minutes physical practice. What 60 minute practice will you commit to doing this week?  

 There are specific poses in the book (40 Days to Personal Revolution by Baptiste)  This week poses are Sun Salutations, Side Plank, Crescent Lunge with Twist, Chair,  Prayer Twist, Forward Fold Hand to Foot Pose, Eagle, Dancer, Tree, Triangle, Wide angle Forward Fold, Pyramid, Locust, Bow, Camel, Bridge, Wheel, Happy Baby, Abdominals, Supine Bound Angle, Boat, Rock the Baby (Seated Pigeon), Three Legged Table, Seated Twist, West and East Side Stretch, Shoulder Stand, Plow, Fish, Supine Twist, Savasana.  What will your poses be?  This week pick your classes at the studio and register to commit and then schedule in your calendar your home practice days and times.  Grab your Log and past emails on our Blog. 

2. Meditation Practice-- Awareness Style Meditation. 20 minutes each morning and night.  You may like to do a few 5-10 meditations a day instead.  This week's challenge is not let the mind go blank.  notice when thoughts come back up and start over. 

3. Diet --   This weeks is a cleanse.  You should consult your doctor.  A three day fruit only diet is recommended by Baron Baptiste. 

4. Questions  -- Write the answers down, get them out of your head. 

Some from the book:  
Do I really give myself enough time to relax and restore myself? 
How can I carve out more time to do this? 

Namaste (With Respect),

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