Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Happy Holidays from our family to yours!
Here's what's going on at Life Full Yoga this holiday season
Wishing you Peace
Winter Break Schedule

The holidays are a time for great food and friends, but don't let that stop you from staying healthy and fit. Our Winter Break Schedule will help keep you centered and moving.  

Special Restorative Class Tomorrow (Thursday 4:30)

We have classes Christmas Eve and everyday after Christmas.  From Restorative to Ashtanga. 

Happy New Year

Celebrate the New Year with us.  We will have special classes and introduce potential new teachers. 
Don't forget to bring your friends! 

Bring a Friend.
They get 1/2 off Our New Client Special ($20 for Two Weeks Unlimited Classes) and 
You get $10 off any service for yourself. 

Monday, January 1, 8:15 and 9:30 am


Look Out for Our Next Challenge

This one will be fun and perhaps less challenging than 40 Days to Personal Revolution. 

And there will be prizes. 
New Year Workshop Ideas
Top choices will be offered first)

Yoga Nidra (Yoga Sleep) 

Guided Relaxation in a supported pose.  Invokes a state between being asleep and awake.  Can be helpful for people who have lack of sleep and/or experience stress.

Sun Salutations 
History, Various Practice
Discover the meaning behind Sun Salutes, enhance your practice for body, mind, and spirit. Benefit from Kim's 6 Week Master Class with Shiva Rea

Intro to Ayurveda (Seasonal Workshop)

Ayurveda is Yoga's sister science.  Learn your mind-body type, types of yoga practices that may best benefit your personality, foods to balance your energy and mood.  Aromas, daily practices.  Kim will share her over 30 year interest , studies, and practice and her special training with Larissa Carlson, the former dean of Kripalu’s School of Ayurveda, and John Douillard, founder of LifeSpa.

Yoga with Assists
Yoga with Gentle, Light Touch for alignment, deeper relaxation, increased stability. Learn to assist yourself too.  Some hands on, some props.  Kim, Vicky, and Lisa are all interested in sharing the benefits of gentle assists in yoga with you. 

Softening the Warrior, Strengthening the Child
Lisa will guide you in ways to explore bringing strength into “resting” poses and releasing into challenging poses. You will explore how to finding strength in surrender and surrender in strength.  

Visit Our Website for More Info

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